While it takes a few conversations with some people to uncover their life’s true passion, it takes roughly thirty seconds when talking with worship leader Christine D’Clario. From beginning to end, it’s clear that worship is her lifestyle, and proclaiming God’s goodness, faithfulness and grace is her top priority – pure and simple.
Blessed with a beautiful voice and plenty of charisma to boot, being on stage was a no-brainer for someone who loved music as much as Christine does. Trouble is, her heart wasn’t really in what – and Who – she was singing about in church, and underneath the pristine façade, she was lost and still struggling to make sense of her troubled past.

Featuring songs written specifically with the global Church in mind, Christine’s passion for her faith is evident from the first note. Whether it’s a standout track like “Reign,” which is basically a three-part chant that affirms who we are in Him, the soulful strains of “Faithfulness” or “Magnified,” a timely anthem for the redeemed that serves as a big thank you to God for saving us, Deeper is filled with relevant reminders of the joys of being in God’s presence.
Twitter: Christinedmusic
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